Pentru ca dupa ce am ascultat primul album am refuzat sa mai ascult altul timp de cativa ani, convinsa ca aceea este perfectiunea si ca altceva mai frumos nu se mai poate compune niciodata. Pentru ca la concerte ma transfigureaza. In jurul meu nu mai exista nimic altceva decat muzica si simturile se ascut. Simt cum picioarele prind radacini si puteri noi, corpul vibreaza si palmele simt cu simturi nou dobandite palmele calde ale celuilalt si pielea pantalonilor, afara miroase a vara tanara si eu am o varsta incerta, in acelasi timp batrana ca muntii si tanara ca Nelinistea. Pentru ca eu sunt in toate povestile lor cu cate o bucata de viata si ma intreb cum de au stiut sa ma povesteasca atat de bine. Pentru ca fac muzica fara efecte speciale, doar cascade de sunete miraculos impletite. Pentru ca plec de acolo fara sa ma doara nimic, simtindu-ma usoara si grea in acelasi timp de puterea stransa de la ei. Pentru ca nici acum nu stiu care cantec e de pe care album si nici nu-mi pasa, pentru ca toate ma imbraca, ma fac si ma desfac din incheieturi. Toate raspunsurile sunt aici.
Just let me catch my breath
I've heard the promises
I've seen the mistakes
I've had my fair share of tough breaks
I need a new voice, a new law, a new way
Take the time, reevaluate
It's time to pick up the pieces,
Go back to square one
I think it's time for a change
There is something that I feel
To be something that is real
I feel the heat within my mind
And craft new changes with my eyes
Giving freely wandering promises
A place with decisions I'll fashion
I won't waste another breath
You can feel the waves coming on
(It's time to take the time)
Let them destroy you or carry you on
(It's time to take the time)
You're fighting the weight of the world
But no one can save you this time
Close your eyes
You can find all you need in your mind
The unbroken spirit
Obscured and disquiet
Finds clearness this trial demands
And at the end of this day sighs an anxious relief
For the fortune lies still in his hands
If there's pensive fear, a wasted year
A man must learn to cope
If his obsession's real,
Suppression that he feels must turn to hope
Life is no more assuring than love
(It's time to take the time)
There are no answers from voices above
(It's time to take the time)
You're fighting the weight of the world
And no one can save you this time
Close your eyes
You can find all you need in your mind
I close my eyes
And feel the water rise around me
Drown the bead of time
Let my senses fall away
I can see much clearer now,
I'm blind
Find all you need in your mind
If you take the time