Monday 19 July 2010

Henry James

"I suppose that, whatever serious step one might have taken at twenty-five, after a struggle, and with a violent effort, and however one's conduct might appear to be justified by events, there would always remain a certain element of regret; a certain sense of loss lurking in the sense of gain; a tendency to wonder, rather wishfully, what MIGHT have been. "

"Everything reminds me of something else, and yet of itself at the same time; my imagination makes a great circuit and comes back to the starting-point."
He would have made a great blogger. 
(source: "The Diary of a Man at Fifty")

1 comment:

  1. adolescentii sunt asa din cauze pur chimice. studies have shown ca deciziile unui adolescent se nasc in zona numita amygdala, creierul primar, zona instinctuala, cu simturile. adultii reactioneaza cu neocortexul. asa ca nu are rost lupta asta a parintilor cu morile de vant. si oricat s-ar umfla unii in pene ca au reusit sa puna vreun adolescent sau altul back on track, e din pacate doar un efect normal al varstei.
    dudule, zi si tu, mama, ce-am fost si ce-am ajuns, mama ei de varsta de mijloc :))



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